Payroll Update 12 December 2023

News for School Payroll Staff

 Kia ora koutou

  1. Key dates
  2. What is annualisation?
  3. Start of Year is open
  4. Employees on ACC leave during term 4 holidays
  5. Holiday pay reduction for some teachers
  6. Our phone hours over the break
  7. Ministry guidance about leave for secondary teachers during schools’ closedown period under the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement

1. Key dates

13 December (Wednesday)

Last day to submit forms so they are included in pay period 20.


Last day to submit changes in EdPay that can create a ticket (e.g. terminating roles or pay details changes) so they are included in pay period 20.

15 December


Pay period 19 termination pay and out-of-cycle pay day:

  • termination pay will be paid for employees whose roles were terminated on or before 12 December 2023 where we were notified in time to include in this pay
  • out-of-cycle payments.

5.30pm, 19 December


Last day to submit EdPay changes that process immediately, e.g. leave and timesheets, so they are included in pay period 20.

20 December


1st SUE report for pay period 20.


For help with understanding the codes on your SUE report go to Holiday pay codes (


22 December


Main pay day and final SUE report for pay period 20:

  • public holidays paid for eligible timesheet-only employees
  • termination pay paid for employees whose roles were terminated on or before 26 December 2023 where we were notified in time to include in pay period 20.

29 December


Out-of-cycle pay day for pay period 20.

Our phones will be open from 9am–4pm until 13 December, and then back to our usual 9.30am–3.30pm hours.

2. What is annualisation?

Annualisation is the process of spreading out the earnings of support staff who work during term time only into equal fortnightly pays throughout the year (including during school holidays).

Unfortunately, annualisation doesn’t roll over, so a new EP23nt form needs to be sent in each year.

If a term-time only employee is becoming annualised in 2024 you only need to send in an EP23nt, they don’t need to be restarted in the Start of Year screen.

If you are annualising a new job, submit the New Hire/Onboarding in EdPay. If it creates a ticket number, reply to the ticket with the EP23nt so they can be processed together.

3. Start of Year is open

The Start of Year screen is open until 01 March 2024. There are some actions that will need to be completed before this screen closes.

Your school’s last day of 2023

Please send EP23nt forms for EdPay authorised users whose pay will be annualised in 2024 to prevent them losing access to EdPay in the new year.

29 January 2024


Last day to submit EP23nt forms for all other support staff whose pay will be annualised.

1 February 2024


Last day to restart term-time only non-teaching employees and fixed-term teachers starting in pay period 23 (24 January–05 February).

15 February 2024


Last day to restart term-time only non-teaching employees who are starting in pay period 24 (between 07–20 February 2024).

Guides and help

4. Employees on ACC leave during term 4 holidays

This is a reminder about what employees on ACC leave during the term 4 holidays and schools need to do.

  • If the employee is unfit to return to work throughout the term 4 holidays, they need to provide ACC with a medical certificate that covers the whole holiday period.
  • If the employee is receiving weekly compensation from ACC and receiving holiday pay from the schools' payroll in pay period 19/20, they must tell ACC about their holiday pay from the schools’ payroll.
  • If the employee is a 52-week employee on ACC leave, the school needs to continue to submit a NOVO12acc leave booking form, see EdPay and forms (

For more information go to ACC claims ( 

5. Holiday pay reduction for some teachers

If a teacher takes unpaid leave during a school term, a holiday pay reduction may be needed. This would show up on the SUE report as code HPR.

At the beginning of each term break, holiday pay reductions are calculated for all teachers who have taken unpaid leave during the term just ended.

Sometimes additional holiday pay reductions are required due to prior employment agreement terms. The holiday pay reduction will be made from the employee's pay that falls over that term break.
There is nothing schools need to do.

If employees want to find out more information about how these deductions are calculated, they should refer to the remuneration section of their employment agreement under holiday pay, as sometimes different agreements calculate these deductions differently.

6. Our phone hours over the break

From 27–29 December our phone lines will be open between 9.30am–3.30pm, and we will reopen on 03 January 2024.

7. Ministry guidance about leave for secondary teachers during school closedown period under the Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement (STCA)

The Ministry of Education has prepared some guidance for schools about how to record sick leave and other leave (bereavement leave and family violence leave) for teachers during the closedown period.

STCA closedown guidance for schools 2023

From everyone at EPL, thank you for all your work this year to help us ensure your people are paid the right amounts at the right time. We hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable break this summer and a happy new year.

Ngā mihi
Education Payroll