Teacher aide auto-increments

Teacher aide increments are now automatic unless they are deferred (see details below). EPL was emailing schools to let them know when teacher aides were due auto-increments, but from 1 June these will only be available in the attestation report on Novopay Online (NOL) and will not be emailed directly to schools. Later this year the attestation report will be moving from NOL to EdPay, and we will let you know when this is happening.

Teacher aides listed on the attestation report are entitled to an automatic yearly increment within 90 days of the report date. These increments are due on the dates listed in the report. If the teacher aide has met performance standards and is eligible to progress, you do not have to do anything - they will automatically receive the increment.

If a teacher aide has not met performance standards, OR is not eligible to progress from Grade BC step 5 to step 6 (as their work remains within matrix Grade B), please defer by placing an N in the appropriate field and return to the School Account Team. Schools must discuss a deferral with the teacher aide two months before it is to be applied.

Note: those employees with a 22 August 2021 increment date who were employed prior to Novopay go-live will have their increment backdated to 12 February 2021. This date (12 February) will become their new anniversary date.

For more information, visit the attestation pages