S89 school science technicians designation code update

If you have placed a technician other than a science technician, or someone who performs work as outlined below, we ask that you please remove them from the S89 school science technicians code.

School science technicians are responsible for the preparation, maintenance and operation of the practical equipment, the making and safe storage of solutions and the care and collection of biological specimens used in school science labs. They instruct and assist teachers with practical skills, including class demonstrations and advanced techniques across all disciplines and assist students with equipment requests for individual projects. Health and safety in the school science laboratory is a key responsibility.

A pay equity claim for school science technicians was raised by NZEI Te Riu Roa on 6 November 2020. To gather further data, and to help with notifying the school science technician workforce of the claim, the Ministry of Education had the S89 school science technician designation code created in Novopay. To date, approximately 230 people have been added to the code. However, some of the people who have been assigned the new code include people in other technician roles such as food tech, technology tech or art tech. Please note that this code is only applicable to school science technicians and those who perform work as described in the school science technician pay equity claim. If you have any questions about this, please contact school.payequity@education.govt.nz.